Wittmann Battenfeld UK Prepares for 2018 Plastics Industry Awards

Wittmann Battenfeld UK Prepares for 2018 Plastics Industry Awards

Wittmann Battenfeld (WIBA) UK is currently making preparations for this year’s Plastics Industry Awards (PIA) ceremony, to be held at the London Hilton, Park Lane, on Friday September 28th.

It promises to be an exciting night for the company, which has been shortlisted as a PIA finalist in no less than three categories – machinery supplier of the year; energy efficiency initiative of the year and apprentice of the year.

Managing Director Barry Hill says that ‘we are delighted to have our company’s achievements recognised in this way. The acquisition of Battenfeld by the Wittmann Group ten years ago has done nothing but good for the industry; integrating all facets and equipment for the complete injection moulding cell and also furthering the cause of plastics technology generally.’

Hill adds that ‘specifying, supplying and commissioning a complete injection moulding cell is a different order of business to supplying a single press. In many ways the challenges are greater. However, at WIBA UK we believe that such will be the pattern of future supply in our sector.

Profitable production of plastic parts today typically needs some or all of the following: in-house plastics reprocessing; robotic and automation solutions; materials drying, materials blending, mould temperature control units, conveying and the also the latest in process control, manufacturing execution software, firewall protection and connectivity.

Thanks to the integration into the Wittmann Group, Wittmann Battenfeld is the only supplier of prime injection moulding machinery that offers all these plastic production technologies from under one roof.

Hill says that ‘win, lose or draw we shall look forward to our evening on September 28th, and shall celebrate accordingly.’

It has been a gilt-edged year for the Wittmann Group which hosted a 1500-seater 10th anniversary party in Vienna this June 12-14 in order to celebrate Wittmann’s purchase of Battenfeld on April 1, 2018.

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WIBA UK played a full part in the June 2018 celebrations; bringing over some 50 UK customers in order sample the exhibitions, seminar materials and developments such as Wittmann 4.0, the full scope of which was also demonstrated at the Kottingbrunn factory using an EcoPower 90/350, in whose UNILOG B8 control system the robot and all peripherals connected to the machine have been integrated.

It is expected that Wittmann’s upcoming Fakuma exhibition technology, (October 16-21, Friedrichshafen, Germany) will build further on this 4.0 achievement, and will add and integrated various aspects of Manufacturing Execution software (MES) and hardware.

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+44 (0) 1933 275777

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