Willcox Matthews Announces New Recruitment Partnership with the Centinal Group
Technical and engineering recruitment specialist, Willcox Matthews Ltd, is pleased to announce its partnership with the Centinal Group, distributors for some of the biggest brands in the hydraulic, pneumatic and cable jointing industry.
The Centinal Group is the umbrella company formed when MF Hydraulics, Central Engineering & Hydraulic Services and Central Engineering Services merged in October 2000.
In late December 2014, The Centinal Group continued to expand with Thamesair Limited, a Pneumatic Parker Distributor joining the group. The merger created the premier hydraulics and engineering group in South Central England, with unrivalled purchasing and manufacturing power, expertise and equipment to match.
Les Jenkins, Centinal Group CEO, stated:
“It is great to have Willcox Matthews on board as our recruitment partner. I have been working closely with Josh Bryan and the team, making sure they understand the company ethos and long-term plan for the business.
“By utilising the group’s staff experiences, we distribute, design, manufacture, and market a full range of hydraulic, pneumatic, cable jointing and engineering products. Our customers require a high level of service and quality. As a result, we provide a niche service for maintenance and production. Each customer requirement provides substantial improvements to their performance.”
Josh Bryan, Consultant at Willcox Matthews, continued:
“It has been great supporting The Centinal Group, they have a reputation for attracting, developing and retaining exceptional people. Willcox Matthews are committed to ensuring the future growth and success of the business, by providing the right talent who are wanting a long-term future with this expanding organisation.”
Are you looking to reduce your hiring spend and ensure your businesses continues to grow and attract the best talent in the marketplace? If so, please do not hesitate to get in contact with Willcox Matthews, who are now successfully working with their clients to push through the COVID-19 pandemic.
Visit www.willcoxmatthews.co.uk for more information, or get in touch directly using the details below.
Willcox Matthews
01905 947 400