Utility Team Will Be Net Zero By 2025

Utility Team Will Be Net Zero By 2025

Energy consultancy, Utility Team, outlines its plan to be a net-zero organisation by 2025, including a pledge to offset its historic carbon footprint by 2028.

As one of the UK’s leading energy consultancies, Utility Team is in a unique position to significantly reduce the amount of carbon its customers, suppliers, and employees put into the atmosphere. Leading by example, Utility Team is making the following pledges:

Pledge One: Utility Team will be a fully net-zero organisation by December 31st, 2025.

Pledge Two: Utility Team will remove its historic carbon footprint by December 31st, 2028.

Why now?

The scientific evidence is clear; the planet’s temperature has risen and will continue to rise without action. The target set out in the Paris agreement was to limit global warming to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels. There has already been a rise of 1 degree; therefore, Utility Team has to act now.

Utility Team believes that everyone needs to take responsibility for stopping the potentially catastrophic environmental impact of carbon emissions. Over the last few years, Utility Team has successfully moved many customers to renewable energy sources and developed the ground-breaking Revolving Green Fund. This has seen a growing number of its customers invest in green technology solutions to reduce their carbon emissions.

Whilst this has had a positive impact, Utility Team feels the need to step up its commitment, and that’s why Utility Team is announcing its net-zero pledges and outlining how this will be achieved.

How is this going to be achieved?

Having targets is one thing; you need a plan to achieve these. The board of Utility Team has committed to the below milestones for Pledge One:


  • By December 31st, Utility Team will have achieved a pro-rata 50% reduction in business mileage against its 2019 benchmark.
  • As of January 4th, all existing and prospective customers will receive a renewable energy price within their pricing submission.
  • 15% of customers’ electricity contracts will be using renewable electricity by 31st December.
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  • Utility Team will be powered by 100% renewable electricity by December 31st, 2022.
  • To be a Utility Team supplier, you will need to be signed up to the future Net Zero standard by December 31st, 2022.
  • As of January 1st, all employees will be allocated 2 days a year to volunteer to support a green charity initiative.
  • Electric Vehicle Charging points will be installed at Utility Team Head Offices in Coventry.
  • All Business Development Managers will be incentivised to drive electric vehicles when on company business by 31st December 2022.
  • 25% of its customers’ electricity contracts will be using renewable electricity by 31st December 2022.


  • 50% of customers’ electricity contracts will be using renewable electricity by 31st December 2023.
  • All Business Development Managers will be required to drive electric vehicles when on company business by 31st December 2023.
  • As of January 1st, 2023, all staff will be incentivised to drive an electric vehicle.
  • As of January 1st, 2023, all staff will be incentivised to power their homes via renewable energy.


  • 75% of customers’ electricity contracts will be using renewable electricity by 31st December 2024.
  • Utility Team will be powered by 100% Green Gas by 31st December 2024.


For Pledge Two, the board of Utility Team has committed to the below milestones:


  • Identifying its historic carbon footprint, including energy and travel.


  • Begin carbon offsetting projects to remove historic carbon emissions.

2023 onwards

  • Maintain the carbon offsetting programme until all historic carbon emissions have been removed.

All of the above actions have hard deadlines; however, Utility Team will be attempting to beat them. After all, the faster it acts, the sooner the planet’s atmosphere will stabilise. Utility Team recognises that it is easy to write a plan, but it’s harder to deliver it. Accountability is a core value of the organisation, so Utility Team will be reporting its net-zero performance quarterly.

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Delvin Lane, CEO of Utility Team, said: “The challenge of net-zero is one that has to be met head-on, and we are uniquely placed to help businesses do that. We are determined to drive meaningful change that reduced carbon emissions. We recognise that it will not be easy, but we are excited by the challenge. The Board is passionate about leading by example and proving that a move to net-zero not only makes environmental sense but also delivers commercial benefits.”

To find out more about Utility Team’s commitment to net-zero and its net-zero services, please click here, email enquiries@utilityteam.co.uk or call Toby Costar on 07731 969118.

Utility Team
07767 268888

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