Time to Invest in Automation?

Time to Invest in Automation?

There are many considerations to be made before making any substantial investment. In this article, the PCE GROUP investigate the options for making an investment in automation.

Our friends over at PlastikCity have produced a useful calculator to help you determine the affordability of automation. Simply click here, to head on over to this useful resource, enter your details and calculate the return on investment.

There are many considerations to be made before making any substantial investment, so we have carefully selected some alliance leasing partners, who we can put you in touch with.  ‘Contact Us’ today to discuss your project or your automation ambitions.

Why Lease?

Leasing is a quick and simple way of obtaining the equipment you need, whilst not making a substantial and immediate outlay, leaving you prepared for unexpected events.  By making a substantial outlay, or making use of the banks, customers run the risk of exposing their business to a lack of working capital.  With leasing, these risks can be significantly reduced.

There are many other benefits that come with equipment leasing;

  • Your rental is fixed for the term of the agreement, so no matter what happens with bank rates, your rental stays the same.  This enables you greater budgetary control and confidence in knowing that as other costs increase, your lease costs will not.
  • Leasing offers greater flexibility, matching the term to the useful life of the equipment.  Sometimes technology advances so fast that you’ll want to update sooner. No problem. It is possible to upgrade the lease for newer equipment.
  • Tax allowable. Leasing is an operating expense and the full rental you pay can be offset against tax. Your accountant will be able to advise you to what degree your business will benefit.
  • Once in place, a Lease cannot be “Called in” or withdrawn by the Leasing Company, unlike some bank facilities.
  • No deposit. You only start paying rentals after your equipment has been delivered.
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Cash Investments?

We would not like to tell our customers how to spend their budget and we would certainly recommend that all customers conduct their own due diligence, before entering into a full cash or leasing arrangement.

Leasing allows you to access the latest technologies at a more affordable longer-term rate, without the initial outlay; giving you greater budgetary control.

Obtaining Bank Support?

Some banks offer affordable lending options, but some loans and overdrafts are secured by charges against your company assets, or with your personal guarantees.

Seeking to extend your borrowing through a bank may require them to obtain additional assurances.

We would certainly recommend that all customers complete their own financial due diligence, before committing to any financial agreement.

So if you are planning your next automation investment, we hope the above provides an alternative approach.  Head over to PlastikCity, complete the calculator and assess the viability of your next investment.  Please ensure that you complete all due diligence before entering into any financial arrangement.

When you have assessed all options and would like to discuss your project, be sure to ‘Contact Us’.  Our vastly experienced Sales Team (with over 60 years of combined experience) look forward to discussing your project and to guiding you toward the right solution.

PCE has the complete in-house skills and capabilities, from Design to Delivery, to bring your ambitions to life. We look forward to becoming your partner in automation….

Click here to read the original article on the PCE Automation website, or visit the PCE News Archive here.


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