The What, How Why of ISO Consultants EmmersonWills

The What, How Why of ISO Consultants EmmersonWills

At the beginning of the year, EmmersonWills MD, Matt Jones read Start with Why by best-selling, British-American author Simon Sinek – an excellent book he recommends for any business owner.

Within the book’s inspiring pages, motivational speaker and marketing guru Sinek reveals his ground-breaking, self-devised concept – The Golden Circle. A bullseye-shaped diagram that visualises the structure of an organisation in 3 distinct rings: WHAT, HOW, and crucially – WHY at its core.

From this, Matt compiled our own WHAT, HOW, WHY document that reveals precisely what makes EmmersonWills ISO Consultants particular – and fundamentally our unique purpose.

EmmersonWills ISO Consultants’ WHAT, HOW, WHY



We are on a mission to shake up the ISO industry. We believe in innovation, efficiency, and improvement. Gone are the days of outdated and inflexible systems that have been patched together to appease certifications. We do things differently.


We continually strive to learn, improve, and think ahead. Keeping our focus on simplistic compliance with practical, ever-increasing values reinforces the correct foundations of modern and efficient systemisation.


With passion, we design and develop simple, compliant, and value-enhancing management systems – keeping our WHY in mind.

“We are drawn to leaders and organisations that are good at communicating what they believe.” Quote – Simon Sinek.

It has been said that few companies know their WHY, but this is something that EmmersonWills is crystal clear on.


Our WHY is powerful and has a story behind it….

Matt discovered ISO 9001 Quality through more general business consulting. He established a relationship with an auditor and found a great deal of variation, plus an open book approach to various businesses and industries. He also saw secure worldwide earning potential*.

As a business and industry enthusiast, this was enticing, and without delay, Matt began training for his 9001 external auditor qualifications.

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With aspirations to become a diverse auditor, Matt also trained in 14001 Environmental and OHSAS 18001 Health & Safety (now ISO 45001). His favoured specialty area was always Quality – which turned out to be a double-edged sword! Most auditors in the industry have a background in Environmental or Health & Safety ISO. Therefore Matt’s love of business and 9001 instantly positioned him at the forefront of Quality ISO.

However, with the vast quantity of complex and inefficient systems, Matt quickly became frustrated…and this motivated him to found EmmersonWills.


Forward-thinking ISO Consultants

While complicated and inept systems may address the requirements of the applicable standards, they are expensive to run and carry many other risks – see our last blog, The Real Cost of Self-Managed ISO, for more insight on this.

Without a passion for efficient and progressive business, it is far too easy to create a rigid, arduous, and wasteful management system.


Common examples of complexity and inefficiency:
  • Having half a dozen or more documents to address context, risks, and opportunities, when one document will do – if you take a matrix approach. At EmmersonWills, we have an internal invention called the SAIIILOR matrix. A process that involves one dynamic change, avoiding the need to address cross-over in multiple other documents.
  • Sending lengthy supplier approval documents to your whole supply chain, and worse yet, doing that yearly.
  • Lengthy policies. The more there is to read, the less it will be read by staff or clients.
  • Using procedures when processes will do. If there is no or slight variation to the way a task must be undertaken, a system is the right way to go. However, many procedures we have witnessed have been ineffective, outdated, or stifling efficiency and improvement. And when that is the case, they cease to be used, often resulting in a systemization decline (in practice and culture.)
  • Long manuals with built-in policies and procedures. Once again, the more there is to read – the less it will be read. Additionally, when you include policies and procedures, you must consider change, as it takes time and cost to reissue the manual. And throughout this, an organisation must ensure compliance with the document control cause – a comfortable spot for auditors! Our approach is to think of your manual as a roadmap and to be general with it to minimise change. The very essence of a map is to be directional. For example, on the printed road maps of yesteryear, a fuel station would be listed as just that. These things change, not as a brand such as Esso or BP. Our manuals rarely exceed eight pages, including a contents page and generally 2+ pages of flow map processes.
Related Post:  The History of ISO 9001 | EmmersonWills Blog

So, in summary, while conducting third-party audits, Matt has come across many systems developed for mass sale rather than the specific business they serve. While they may tick the ISO certification box, they often fail to drive improvement.


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