SteriTouch Antimicrobial – Helping to Prevent Infection Within the NHS

SteriTouch Antimicrobial – Helping to Prevent Infection Within the NHS

SteriTouch has been producing antimicrobial additives for products and devices within the NHS for over a decade, helping keep hospitals, medical practices and dental surgeries infection-free.

The importance of infection prevention in healthcare sectors such as hospitals and dentists has been well documented over the years. This requirement has aligned perfectly with the additive technology company SteriTouch, who develop bespoke additives and masterbatches for a limitless array of products.

SteriTouch technology can (and has been over the years) added to such diverse products as paint, children’s toys as well as phone cases and keyboards. Focussing on our antimicrobial keyboards and mice in particular, SteriType – a brand offshoot of SteriTouch – has incorporated said antimicrobial technology into a series of keyboard covers, standalone keyboards and mice. The covers are retrofitted to a wide variety of existing models, and the standalone products are completely waterproof, HTM01-05 compliant and most importantly help prevent the spread of infection. SteriType products are present in many NHS facilities up and down the country, as a recurring issue was being identified within clinics not adopting this technology.

It is a known fact that nurses and doctors undergo thorough training for washing their hands on a regular basis, however without the aid of antimicrobial devices, infection is allowed to spread once contact has been made with untreated surfaces such as the keys of a keyboard or the button of a mouse.

As a company, we always stress that every surface you touch during your day has the potential of spreading infection (including such harmful bacteria as MRSA and E.Coli), which is why we have been perfecting our additives for the past ten years and more. Recently, SteriTouch has successfully tested its technology against VRE (Vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus) and CPE (Carbapenemase Producing Enterobacteriaceae), two antibiotic-resistant bacterial strains which are becoming increasingly problematic in many healthcare facilities.

Our most recent addition to the range is a mobile phone sleeve, effectively sealing the device inside a pocket of protection. Even though the use of mobile phones during a shift is frowned upon and even banned in some places, phones are still being used in many healthcare environments. Therefore, even if you’ve been using antimicrobial products as well as keeping up with good hygiene practices, all this work has been for nothing if you come into contact with an unprotected mobile device.

Related Post:  Cleanroom Classifications: What You Need to Know

For more information on our innovative additive-based technology, be sure to visit

Radical Materials is home to SteriTouch antimicrobial, SCOPIC detectable and KONDUCT thermal polymers.

Three brands, one RADICAL vision.


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