Safe Machine Shutdown Before The Summer Break | Chem-Trend

Safe Machine Shutdown Before The Summer Break | Chem-Trend

It is finally time for summer season to begin. However, for injection moulding machines and extrusion lines, the shutdown and restart procedures for the summer break is associated with risks. Chem-Trend illustrates how TP companies can protect their machines. 

Taking a break in TP manufacturing processes – maybe for some time during summer – goes along with a scheduled machine shutdown. However, as Chem-Trend warns, stopping machines without adequate preparation runs some risks: First, it may cause problems when restarting due to carbon deposits in the system resulting in black specks, poor quality parts, and higher levels of scrap. That is because carbonization deposits can still breakaway some time after production has resumed and contaminate the newly produced parts.


Purging compounds for safe machine shutdown and restart

How can such problems be avoided? And how can TP companies prepare for the summer break systematically? Generally spoken, the process is quite simple and safe: It is all about using the right purging compounds during the shutdown and restart of injection moulding machines and extrusion lines. It is crucial to make sure the selected product cleans quickly and thoroughly while not damaging the equipment.

TP companies might consider using Ultra Purge™ purging compounds by Chem-Trend during the machine shutdown and start-up processes. These halt resin degradation, a key factor in the formation of carbon deposits inside the machines.

Moreover, Ultra Purge™ is the perfect fit whether the machine is stopped for maintenance only or for complete shutdown.


Maintenance products keep machines in good condition

In addition, Chem-Trend recommends using maintenance products to keep injection moulding machines, extrusion lines, and moulds in optimal condition. Ideally, maintenance products not only complement each other as a complete system, but also increase process efficiency and extend the service life of important production investments.

The range of Chem-Trend’s Lusin® mould maintenance products consists of mould cleaners, degreasers, lubricants and mould protection agents (corrosion protection agents). These products help TP companies extend the life span of important and expensive production equipment.

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After all, whether TP companies actually take a summer break or keep the production running over the whole year: In any case it is recommended to take a holistic approach to maintaining injection moulding plants and extrusion lines in order to ensure better machine utilization and efficiency.


Read more about Chem-Trend’s products for a safe shutdown:


Read more from Chem-Trend here.

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