RNA Bowl Feeder Feeds and Handles 3 Sizes of Plastic Bottles
Bowl feeders are widely used in the pharmaceutical industry. As the largest manufacturer and supplier of standard vibratory bowl feeding equipment in Europe, RNA Automation has the technical knowledge and experience to handle the most demanding and challenging projects from concept to a fully commissioned automated system.
RNA has designed and developed a vibratory bowl feeding system to feed and orientate three sizes of plastic pharmaceutical bottles, open end uppermost at 100 bottles per minute into the customer’s machine. The system is equipped with vibratory bowl feeder with a stainless steel cover, linear feeder, and a special adaptor plate fitted with quick release clamps, allowing for the bowl top to be removed and sterilised.
Sequence of Operation
The bottles are loaded into the bowl feeder by an operator. A specially fabricated bowl with twin tracks stands the bottles on their neck by grabbing the flange. Bottles that are left incorrectly or on their side fall into a chute and back into the bowl centre for reorienting. The tracks are then merged into a single track to give the final output speed.
A linear track, with interchangeable tooling sections for fast and easy changeover, transports the bottles to the customer’s filling machine.
The bowl top is made in 316L grade stainless steel and treated for a class 100 clean room environment. All seams are fully welded and highly polished to give a smooth, clean surface for the bottles to run on.
The system provides a flexible solution, simple changeover between components of different sizes, with no damage to the components. It is designed to meet pharmaceutical and GAMP standards.
RNA Automation Ltd
+44 (0) 121 749 2566