Renmar Plastics Machinery Install 22-Conveyor Product Handling System
In early 2018, Renmar Plastics Machinery supplied a 22-conveyor product handling system to a UK manufacturer.
Following a visit to site, the brief was discussed about creating a more autonomous loop from the customer’s injection moulding machines to their packing operators. With a further follow up meeting accompanied by a representative from Virginio Nastri, the design was complete.
The system, comprising of 16 incline and 6 flatbed Virginio Nastri conveyors, was designed to take the plastics products from 16 different moulding machines directly to four operatives.
A computer simulation of the conveyor system can be viewed here.
With the exclusive partnership we have with market-leading belt conveyor manufacturers Virginio Nastri, Renmar Plastics Machinery are able to supply complete centralised product handling systems ideal for transporting moulded plastic products. Visit their website for more information.
Renmar Plastics Machinery
+44 (0) 844 6933225