RECOUP Thank Retiring Chair

RECOUP Thank Retiring Chair

Plastics recycling member-based charity, RECOUP, thanked their retiring Chair, Mike Barney, at their first Board Meeting of 2021. The charity, which has been working tirelessly in the arena of plastics recycling and resource management for 31 years, has been led by Mike for 28 of those years.  

Originally set up as a three-year project, the organisation has gone on to become respected and admired by the government, NGOs, trade bodies and the businesses that form the plastics recycling value chain. This is testament to Mike’s ability to encourage the organisation to adapt and respond to the changing pace of plastics recycling.

Reflecting on his years at the helm of RECOUP, Mike (pictured left) said:

It has been an honour and a pleasure to work with a team that are held in such high regard in the plastics recycling sector.  I know that the organisation will continue to go from strength to strength as sustainability issues reign so high in the legislative and environmental agendas.”

Stuart Foster, the CEO of RECOUP, commented:

Since taking the role of Chairman in 1992, Mike has been a great advocate of reducing plastic impacts on the environment and increasing recycling.

“On behalf of the RECOUP Board, members, and the team, I would like to thank Mike for his long-standing service and support to this worthwhile cause.

“His input, guidance and enthusiasm will be missed, as will his timekeeping which anyone will who has attended RECOUP conferences and meetings over the past 30 years will confirm.

“But we now must look forward to further evolving the organisation at this important time and maintaining our position as the key plastic resource efficiency and recycling body in the UK.

“I look forward to working with Jim and Glyn as the incoming Chair and Vice-Chair together with our fantastic set of Trustees and Advisors who I am certain will be able to continue to move the organisation forwards.”

Jim Armstrong (pictured right) was welcomed as the incoming Chair of the Board. Jim brings more than 35 years of experience in the plastics recycling industry and is a member of the management committee of Plastics Recyclers Europe and a committee member of the BPF Recycling Group.

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Jim commented:

I am delighted to be elected chair of RECOUP, whose expertise and teamwork approach have made it one of the most respected advisors on plastic recycling. We are now more relevant than ever given the challenge of increasing targets for collection, coupled with the urgent need for additional UK processing capacity.”

RECOUP continues to be very active across the whole of the plastics recycling value chain leading on sustainable plastics recycling and resource management. The organisation continues to collaborate with different stakeholders, trade bodies, and groups on initiatives with related aims and ambitions. International engagement also remains strong with so many of the opportunities and challenges shared across Europe and beyond.

Glyn Staines will take up the position of Vice-Chair and stated:

RECOUP is more relevant than ever as we look to preserve resources and minimise our carbon impact to protect the future for our children.”

Mike Barney will continue his connection with RECOUP as he is to remain an Honorary Trustee of the Board.

RECOUP feels there is a genuine confidence that we are collectively stepping up to the challenge of a plastic circular economy. While thanking their current members for their continued support, RECOUP is keen to hear from any businesses or organisations that have an interest in these common goals.

RECOUP also announced that their Plastics Recycling and Resources Conference will be held on Thursday 30th September 2021, with registrations already open at

Potential members are encouraged to get in touch via e-mail ( or telephone (01733 390021).

01733 390021

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