Protect Your Chillers this Winter | Summit Systems
With winter taking a grip, here are some handy tips from Summit Systems to help protect your chillers and keep them in working order this Christmas and Winter period.
1. Check your Glycol levels – use a refractometer to ensure your levels are at 22% and above. Glycol levels below this percentage cause potential damage from frost and allow the formation of bugs in your process water.
2. Chiller Crankcase Heaters – most external chillers will have heaters wrapped around the compressors to ensure the compressor body is kept above a minimum temperature. It is essential they work to prevent damage to the compressors, and remember, DO NOT TURN OFF the electrical supply to your chillers over your Christmas breaks, or these heaters cannot work.
3. If low ambient temperatures trigger a safety circuit on the process water circulatory pumps, remember to leave the electrical supply on to the circulatory pumps, or the pumps will not run.
If you need further advice on ensuring your chillers remain working at optimum conditions over the Christmas and Winter period, call Summit Systems on 01827 213 401.
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