AKI – High Definition Printing on High Surface Finish components
A K Industries are often requested to repeatedly and precisely decorate highly cosmetic Covers for Shower Units and other chrome plated components.
The requirement is for absolutely no distortion of images over the various contours of the component, and for these to be completely legible and precisely positioned. The cosmetic finish of these components could be any combination of colours in all positions, to be manufactured in a cost-effective manner with a process capability of more than 3k units per week. All the inks must be resistant to household cleaning agents. The print on constant contact items such as the On / Off Buttons and the like must unfailingly be abrasive resistant to continuous use in a showering environment.
AKI works very closely with suppliers of inks and printing consumables such as printing clichés and pads. With over 25 years of Pad and Silk Screen printing knowledge. AKI can advise on ink types (single pack or two pack) if, and when, artwork may need to be distorted and also the type of pads required etc. When printing the complex surfaces of the components, AKI’s extensive knowledge of controlling the image laydown on the compounded angles of the component has proved to be invaluable time and time again. This is by way of reversing the pickup by changing pad profiles.
AKI has a wide range of printing equipment. From small single colour open tray printing machines, 5 colour multi axis plot print machine, allowing for different images of the same colour to be created on the same print cliché. Through to the 10 colour multi axis printing machine, which allows for throughput to be managed and scheduled to the equipment best suited, in order to give the most cost-efficient outcome.
A K Industries
+44 (0) 1432 375100