Plunkett Associates Opens its Doors this December
Plunkett Associates, specialists in low volume and prototype manufacturing and tooling, is hosting a December Open House event, allowing new and existing customers to discover its increased capabilities.
Tim Plunkett established Plunkett Associates in 2005 after identifying a gap in the market for a reliable, impartial and knowledgeable resource through which UK companies could order prototype and low volume production parts. Plunkett now machine, mould, bend, press and additively manufacture components for its customers in low to medium quantities for a wide variety of sectors.
Plunkett Associates has been hard at work following the move to its new premises earlier this year (with three times more space) and is now at a stage where it can invite customers old and new in to meet the team, take a guided tour of the new facility and find out more about its increased capabilities.
Whether you’re intrigued to see the new base or need to chat through an upcoming project, Plunkett Associates is giving you the chance to do just that throughout December.
Plunkett Associates has increased its capabilities across 3D printing, tooling, and moulding. It now has dedicated areas for part assembly and quality control processing. New machines are being commissioned, and robots are being programmed to assist with lights out running as Plunkett’s speak.
Plunkett Associates moved just five minutes down the road from its previous premises in Gloucestershire and is only 10 minutes away from Junction 12 of the M5. Plunkett Associates has moved with its sister company Adept Precision to Central Trading Estate, Cole Avenue, Gloucester.
Fancy a tour of Plunkett Associates? Get in touch using the contact details listed below to pre-book your visit, stating your preferred date and time in December.