Plastics 4 Performance & CNC Robotics Case Study

Plastics 4 Performance & CNC Robotics Case Study

CNC Robotics was called in to help Plastics 4 Performance free up their highly skilled workforce for more bespoke projects, by automating the existing, all-manual processes in their workshop. 

Plastics 4 Performance is the world leading manufacturer in performance motorsport window kits. P4P produce lexan window kits that weigh 50% less than standard glass windows, which shave off crucial seconds in competitive time laps. All their preformed windows are heat formed to the exact curvature as the standard glass providing a better aerodynamic fit and less stress on the polycarbonate and are often bespoke for their clients.


Preformed windows are heat formed to the exact curvature as the standard glass providing a better aerodynamic fit and less stress on the polycarbonate than trying to bolt a flat sheet into a curved aperture. Plastics 4 Performance wanted a high performance tool to make vacuum forming tools and to trim the fixtures during manufacture.


CNC Robotics installed a 7-axis robotic system to replace the all-manual process that Plastics 4 Performance had previously undertaken in their workshop. The new system provided a full turnkey solution for all robotic milling, from roughing through to finishing. The robot arm is designed for precision and reliability that were of paramount importance to Plastics 4 Performance. The technology allows the staff with no programming experience to quickly set up and operate intuitively through 3D visualisation.


The robotic system does in several hours what it would have taken 2 days to accomplish through manual labour. The new automated process has made it possible for Plastics 4 Performance to remain competitive in a market where overseas products compete with UK manufacturers and redeploy its highly competent staff to more bespoke work within the business.

CNC Robots are absolutely spot on, a nice small company to work with who are interested in what they do and what customers are doing rather than just the profit, providing good advice, straight to the point.” says Paul Davenport, Plastics 4 Performance.

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Read more news about Robotics & Automation here.




CNC Robotics Ltd
+44 (0) 151 523 8009

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