Plasticom Recognised for Contribution to Ventilator Challenge UK
The Plasticom Group, an Ashford-based injection moulding and toolmaking business, has received a letter of thanks from the Cabinet Office for its rapid production of thousands of ventilator parts used in the battle against COVID-19.
The Plasticom Group was invited in March to be a key player in the Ventilator Challenge UK consortium, a collective of the UK’s leading manufacturing, medical and specialist technology and manufacturing companies. The consortium included several of this country’s Formula 1 teams such as McLaren Racing, and Plasticom was asked to help produce key components for ventilators as part of the UK government’s initiative.
In June 2020, the Plasticom Group completed the final production and delivery of a 15,000-strong parts shipment to the Formula 1 racing organisation McLaren Racing Ltd.
As a result of their hard work, they’ve now received a certificate congratulating them for the efforts in contributing to the UK Ventilator challenge.
Sonia Simmonds, Director at the Plasticom Group, commented:
“It fills me with extreme pride that we rose to this challenge, not only as small family-run company, but also that my fantastic team walked the walk with us. I had made sure that everyone in the team who contributed has received a copy of the certificate to be proud and to remember the fantastic effort as a team. This effort has taught us a lot about our team and has made us stronger than ever.
“I am also proud to have contributed to the fight of this terrible disease. It was a wonderful surprise receiving this in the post.”
The Plasticom Group
01233 621601