Plastech Additive Manufacturing Confirm BLB Partnership

Plastech Additive Manufacturing Confirm BLB Partnership

Plastech Industries Ltd’s 3D printing distribution and print service, Plastech Additive Manufacturing, has secured a partnership with Swedish vendor BLB Industries to distribute ‘The Box’ range of 3d printing systems.

Norfolk-based Plastech Industries will distribute BLB’s ‘The Box‘ portfolio of Small, Medium and Large 3D printing systems throughout the UK and Ireland, while installing a Box Medium itself which it has purchased with the support of a grant from the New Anglia LEP Growing Business Fund. Plastech Additive Manufacturing says the Box Medium system will act as both a demonstration model for the company’s resale endeavours and help to establish a service to manufacture high-end, large-scale parts.

Plastech Additive Manufacturing was established after the founding of Plastech Moulding, a high-volume manufacturing service specialising in high volume injection moulding also operating under the Plastech Industries umbrella. Plastech Additive Manufacturing aims to assist companies who require 3D printed parts in lower volumes, while also giving them the chance to bring the technology in-house.

Company Managing Director, Stephen Rundle, added: “We provide both a machine distribution and parts service, clients will be able to order printed parts as required in the short-term, and should demand for their product increase, they have the opportunity to purchase the very same additive manufacturing technology to oversee production themselves.

Plastech Additive Manufacturing also recently joined online procurement platform PlastikCity, as part of the website’s new additive manufacturing super-section. Plastech offer both 3D printed part manufacture services, as well as offering machine distribution and servicing for BLB’s ‘The Box’ range in 3D printing systems.

We’re hoping to offer a turnkey solution to companies looking to benefit from large scale additive manufacturing,” said Stephen. “We have set ourselves up with the capability to have our own machines, both as demonstration models and to take our customers on a journey. The idea is that we can work with them on the development and testing with materials and their new product and then take them through short-run manufacture. When they get to the position where they need more product, then we can assist them with the supply and service of their own machine.The BOX

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BLB Industries partnered with Plastech Additive Manufacturing at Formnext 2019 and, since it began operations in 2015, has brought to market a portfolio of 3D printing platforms powered by Fused Granular Fabrication technology and Bosch Rexroth drives and control. The Box series of machines are supported by one of the widest ranges of thermoplastic materials due to their ability to process from granules, and boast build volumes ranging from 1500 x 1000 x 1000 mm to 2000 x 2000 x 1500 mm.

Customers can also opt to have a Box system tailored for their exacting needs if none of the Box Small, Medium or Large systems are deemed suitable. Per their agreement, Plastech Additive Manufacturing will supply all three variations of the Box machine and will work with BLB to customise machines for interested parties in the UK and Ireland.

For more information about the BOX systems, and the other additive manufacturing solutions offered by Plastech, visit the company website.

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Plastech Additive Manufacturing
+44 (0)1603 891618

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