Online Resource Highlights How Plastic Helps Achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

Online Resource Highlights How Plastic Helps Achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals

The British Plastics Federation (BPF) has developed an online resource relating plastics to the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The project highlights areas where the plastics industry has made a valuable contribution towards realising a number of these goals.

In 2015, all member states of the United Nations agreed to an agenda to achieve better sustainability by 2030. This comprised 17 SDGs, which are considered a call to action for both developed and developing nations, providing a framework to reduce inequality and spur economic growth while tackling climate change and other major environmental issues.

Plastic is an incredibly versatile material that brings numerous benefits to our everyday life, enabling many other cutting-edge technologies while significantly reducing food waste and helping to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Given how important plastics are to our everyday lives, all SDGs are arguably connected to the plastics industry and plastic products in some way.

As governments around the world focus their attention on achieving these goals, the BPF feels it is crucial to highlight the key contribution of the plastics industry in helping to meet them. The plastics industry has made a huge contribution to the global development of health services; global sanitation; renewable energy; and industry, innovation and infrastructure.

The online resource from the BPF covers 10 of the United Nations’ SDGs, focusing on those where the plastics industry has the most significant role to play. Visitors to the webpage can click on the SDG relating to ‘clean water and sanitation,’ for example, which brings up information about this particular SDG and how the plastics industry is making a positive contribution towards meeting it.

BPF Director-General Philip Law comments: “Sustainability is an integral part of the plastics industry’s thinking. We welcome submissions to the BPF online resource from our member companies about their contributions to achieving these economic, social, and environmental goals. Preserving and expanding the myriad benefits that plastics bring to our everyday lives — while working to reduce plastic waste — is one of our industry’s most important objectives.”

On 12 February 2020, the BPF is complementing this work by holding a Sustainability Seminar, which will feature several talks that relate to particular SDGs.

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To view the SDGs and Plastics resource:

To register for the BPF Sustainability Seminar: 

BPF Logo
British Plastics Federation
+44 (0) 20 7457 5000

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