New BPF Sustainability Chairperson Announced
At the last British Plastics Federation’s (BPF) Sustainability Committee Meeting of 2023, it was announced that the committee’s widely respected chairman, Jason Leadbitter (Inovyn ChlorVinyls), will retire at the year’s end. Jason has been instrumental in guiding the BPF’s Sustainability Committee over the past eight years, always sharing his passion, knowledge and commitment to bettering the plastics industry along the path of sustainability.
Moving forward, the committee has selected Jamie Riley as its new chairman. Jamie is currently the divisional sustainability manager of Berry Superfos (part of Berry Global). His role involves driving the sustainability agenda across the Superfos division in line with the Berry Global ESG objectives. Jamie believes education and effective, persuasive communication are critical to engaging people on sustainability issues and emphasising why sustainable development is increasingly vital for any business to thrive.
The BPF’s Sustainability Committee comprises specialists from the trade association’s membership. It aims to work proactively with industry, stakeholders and legislators to contribute to the circular economy and global sustainability agenda.
Topics such as Net Zero, eco-design, the UN Global Treaty for Plastic Pollution, recycling, re-use and Operation Clean Sweep are part of typical meeting agendas. In addition, the annual BPF Sustainability Seminar is a highlight for the committee, as it welcomes BPF members and non-members for an in-depth overview of current sustainability issues and initiatives.
Outgoing Sustainability Chairman Jason Leadbitter states:
“I am sure I leave the BPF’s Sustainability Committee in good hands with Jamie. Over the years, we have seen real progress, as this industry proves it is vital to a modern economy and can be a shining beacon of how to adapt business practices so that sustainability is at the core of all key business decisions. I am proud of what the committee has achieved so far, and I am confident it can still achieve much more.”
To learn more about the BPF’s sustainability initiatives, visit their website.
Read More on BPF Here | PlastikMedia