More Manufacturers Benefit from Recycling Their Plastic Waste with Aylesbury Granulation Services
AGS is delighted to be working with more and more plastic manufacturers to help them ensure that their manufacturing waste is truly recycled.
Aylesbury Granulation Services are getting regular enquiries from businesses who generate a range of rigid plastic waste streams, and the benefits to them are two-fold. Firstly, costs are invariably converted to income and secondly, recycling is the correct way to be dealing with plastic waste.
Converting Costs to Revenues
Obviously, when plastic is put into general waste, there is a cost. Much of this plastic is recyclable – sprues, run-up waste, production defects, even lump or head waste (which is where a lot of the weight lies). Good quality waste of easily recyclable plastics, such as PP, PE, ABS, PC and PS can generate revenue, in the form of a rebate. AGS also buy redundant stocks of finished goods.
An alternative to selling waste, is to have it granulated and used back in their own manufacture. Many firms do this with small in-line granulators, but this can be done on a much larger scale too. How many tonnes of lump gets thrown away each month? Wouldn’t it be great to re-use that material and save on the purchase of virgin or recyclate? How many large mouldings cannot fit into the on-site granulator? Is granulating a headache, that is not core to your business?
Recycling Plastics
We all know it, but we really do need to do the right thing and recycle whatever and wherever we can. Aylesbury Granulation Services would be happy to hear from you if you would like to discuss whether more of your plastic can be recycled.
It’s good for your ISO accreditation; it’s good for marketing, it makes financial sense, and it’s good for the planet.
For more details, please head over to their website www.agsplasticgranulation.co.uk or email susan@agsrecycling.co.uk.
Aylesbury Granulation Services