KraussMaffei Introduces ‘Synchronous Motion’ Function

KraussMaffei Introduces ‘Synchronous Motion’ Function

KraussMaffei Automation has introduced the new ‘synchronous motion’ function designed to optimise your injection moulding process. Instead of waiting for a signal that the mould is fully open, using synchronous motion means the robot starts faster, saving you valuable cycle time.

Injection, holding pressure, cooling phase – injection moulding is a sequential process with individual steps that are usually optimised. Therefore, they offer little more potential for improving the cycle time. But what about the automation system? Though the proportion of the total process time is less, it is the removal of the parts that provides leverage for reducing the cycle time in most applications.

Early entry provides valuable time savings

Normally, the robot does not receive the enable signal until the mould is open all the way. The synchronous motion function permits early entry of the robot. The robot thus already reaches the removal position of the component during the remaining opening movements. Thus the movements of mould and handling system overlap – saving valuable time.

The goal is to keep non-productive time as short as possible. To do so, this technology synchronises component demoulding and the opening movement of the machine. Sometimes, this also makes it possible to do away with expensive gripper hardware. After all, the ejector movement is often used for difficult-to-demould parts. This means that the robot grips the finished part during the demoulding process, and the ejector pushes the component onto the gripper. This requires a costly pneumatic system at the handling (for the ‘depressurise’ step).

However, no pneumatic system is required if the gripper moves along with the ejector. Depending on the complexity of the application, the synchronisation can take place relative to the clamp, part, or ejector movement. This lets the customer defines the degree of optimisation.

KraussMaffei: Application pallet
More turnover thanks to short cycle times: For large logistics packaging items such as trash containers, crates, or pallets, synchronous motion is an easy way to boost total annual volume by up to 6%

35% faster demoulding time

The synchronous motion enables the demoulding time to be reduced by approximately 35%. In the production of trash containers, for example, this means a 6% reduction in the complete cycle time – and thus a corresponding increase in total annual volume. The increase in turnover can be up to 5% for pallets and up to 4% for crates.

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KraussMaffei offers synchronous motion both for new machines and in the form of an update for the MC6 machine control system for existing machines and complete systems. As a result, the investment pays for itself quickly. Synchronous motion provides its advantages for the linear robots of the LRX series and the IR industrial robots from KraussMaffei. This way, the desired early start pays for itself quickly.

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