KraussMaffei UK Appoints Two Dedicated DSS Aftersales Engineers

KraussMaffei UK Appoints Two Dedicated DSS Aftersales Engineers

Since KraussMaffei’s launch of a major new division dedicated to Digital Service Solutions (DSS), there has been a considerable investment in research and development work, in addition to numerous new product launches.

New developments in KraussMaffei’s Digital Service Solutions are set to revolutionise the plastics sector in terms of communication and efficiency over the coming years.

To support these new developments, KraussMaffei’s UK office has appointed two aftersales engineers, dedicated to digital service solutions. Peter O’Neill and Michael Rudd‘s primary role will be to help KraussMaffei customers take full advantage of these cutting edge developments.

We asked one of these engineers, Peter O’Neill, to provide a quick overview of some of these new digital products.

BlueBoX central remote management

When machines and systems are remotely connected, an expert can directly share his knowledge locally via the link. Support can be then provided to operators or maintenance staff, or carry out remote service and diagnostics. This is a secure, simple to use, cost-effective solution that doesn’t require a site visit unless our physical intervention is required.

Performance characteristics of the basic software package include management of up to 32 machines and up to 250 users (clients).  The modular nature of the system allows for easy expansion as needed.

DataXplorer Smart Cube – The ‘flight recorder’ of your machine
Watch the video to find out more.

The DataXplorer Smart Cube is a preconfigured data storage for the automatic recording of sensor and control data of an injection moulding machine, in whose control cabinet the hardware and software are integrated.  The key benefits include:

  • High level of process transparency and traceability
  • Easier troubleshooting and diagnosis
  • Tuning and optimisation of processes
  • Uninterrupted monitoring and documentation of processes


APC Plus – An aid to zero-defect production

In summary, APC Plus provides stability, precision and cost-efficiency in manufacturing.  The system compensates for external influences on part quality, and as we all know, without process stability, you are always ‘chasing your tail’.

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Numerous external factors can negatively impact on component quality. Environmental influences such as temperature and air humidity, fluctuating material quality, flow resistance and interventions by the operator all influence the production process.   With APC Plus, you can change from virgin to recycled material with a different MFI, leave the roller shutters wide open on a cold night, and still expect to produce parts that are within tolerance.

ORCA water control system

The ORCA system balances the flow rate of water through each channel of your mould tool, maintaining the required temperature for that particular circuit.  It does this by monitoring the temperature of components being produced and using this information to make any necessary adjustments automatically.

ORCA is ideal for multi-impression tooling, where for example cavities closest to the outer surfaces of the mould tool are prone to external environmental conditions.  It is also suitable for products with large variations in wall thickness, allowing them to be produced with shorter cycle times and reduced risk of distortion.

Key benefits include:

  • Increased flow in each circuit
  • Reduced cooling time leads to reduced cycle time
  • Brings transparency to the process
  • Increases process reliability

Find out more about KraussMaffei’s digital solutions here.

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+44 (0) 1925 644100 

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