Is Employee Training a Smart Investment? | Sierra 57 Blog

Is Employee Training a Smart Investment? | Sierra 57 Blog

A question often asked is whether employee training is a smart investment. It’s accepted that employee training can be a significant investment, yet it will return increased productivity and sales to a business.

Creating a better working experience through training encourages employees to develop and can also help a business save on expenses/strategy budgets by reducing staff turnover and, subsequently, recruitment costs by onboarding a new employee.

Cultivating and encouraging a positive work culture is a positive way to nurture staff and benefit your business. When it comes to employee motivation, one method to achieve this is through investment in training. Employee training can improve self-worth among staff, inspire their engagement and reinforce their value to the business.
Offering training shows that you appreciate your employees by allowing them to develop in their day-to-day work. Improving employee experience in this manner is critical to retention.
Empowering employees with the opportunity and knowledge to aid their growth benefits the employee and the business. Overall, it will inspire the employee to stay with the business.

Building pathways to develop skills builds excitement and anticipation for results, increasing employee self-worth.

Training planned and rolled out effectively can help employees see potential career progression enabling a business to explain exactly how their efforts contribute to the business.
So, returning to the original question, ‘Is Employee Training a Smart Investment?’

Let me summarise the answers:
  • Yes, it’s a Smart Business Decision.
    Training is an ongoing process for most successful companies.
  • If you’re not training your employees, who is?
    Are they learning their skills from unqualified sources?
  • A good training plan helps you to invest your training budget more effectively.
    If your employees are being trained piecemeal, are they getting a consistent message for processing used unilaterally in your company?
  • Skilled employees need less supervision.
    Skilled employees require less management to complete their job, leaving more time for management to address other issues.
  • It can reduce employee turnover.
    Employees that receive regular training have more confidence and self-worth and are therefore less likely to seek employment elsewhere.
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Sierra 57 can help you identify the areas where training is required by using a Training Needs Assessment of your team. We can then offer a structured development/training plan setting up markers for career progression as expectations are met.

It’s important to introduce regular employee training once the journey has started, designating time for training so that staff development becomes part of the routine. Normalising training ensures it remains a business priority to ensure success.

Completing employee training takes time; not everyone can learn simultaneously. That is why Sierra 57 keeps class sizes small and offers one-on-one mentoring as part of the training journey. It’s important that you do not overload employees with unrealistic expectations and work within their capacity. This approach encourages retention and feeds empathy for your employees and their needs.

Having a room in your budget for employee training motivates your team and should be communicated to them. Trained employees are engaged employees, so by investing in your staff, you invest in the workplace and the future of the business.

Boost engagement and empower your team through training. Speak to Sierra 57 Consult to see how we can help you train, coach and police your staff skills progression.

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