Upcoming GÜNTHER Event to Explore the Processing of Biopolymers
GÜNTHER, a leader in the field of hot runner technology, is hosting a Virtual Technology Day on Thursday, 15 July focusing on the latest technology in the processing of biopolymers following a successful event in Germany.
With today’s march towards more sustainability within the plastics sector, many companies are looking at how biopolymers can be used for their plastic components. Biopolymers typically save petrochemical resources and help with waste reduction because they are biodegradable. The renewable raw materials used in the production of biopolymers are CO₂ neutral and therefore make a positive contribution to climate control.
The processing of these materials though is more complex and hot runner manufacturer GÜNTHER Heisskanaltechnik from Frankenberg in Germany has been testing and developing systems precisely for this purpose.
Other companies have been looking at this process and, following a very successful event in the German language with 160 registrants, have come together to hold an English Virtual Technology Day on 15 July 2021.
There will be a live demonstration showing a mask filter mould (four cavity Gunther valve gate in an Arburg machine) and subjects covered by all partners will be:
- SIGMASOFT – Processing of biopolymers – the advantages of simulation
- K.D.FEDDERSEN – Plastics in transition: Sustainable materials for technical applications
- Nature Compound – Paper injection moulding – resource-friendly into the future
- Arburg – Efficient plastics processing
- GÜNTHER – Processing of biopolymers with hot runner technology
Virtual Technology Day details:
- Title: ‘Virtual Technology Day: Processing of Biopolymers with Hot Runner’
- Date: Thursday 15 July 2021
- Time: From 10:00 am to 3:00 pm (CET)
- Speakers: Manuel Schmellenkamp of SIGMASOFT, Wolfgang Wieth of K.D.FEDDERSEN, Niclas Beutler of Nature Compound, Christian Homp of Arburg and Jörg Essinger of GÜNTHER
- Additional information: Participation by ZOOM
Email reiner@gunther.co.uk or bremmer@guenther-heisskanal.de to register for the Virtual Technology Day.
01474 879774