Equity Energies Introduces Carbon Admissions: Inspiring Honest Net Zero Conversations

Equity Energies Introduces Carbon Admissions: Inspiring Honest Net Zero Conversations

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Equity Energies has launched Carbon Admissions with one goal in mind – to spark open, honest conversations about what it knows, and more importantly, what it doesn’t know about reaching Net Zero.

As one of the most complex sectors when it comes to decarbonisation, where balancing production efficiency with environmental responsibility is critical, Net Zero discussions within the plastics industry are more important than ever. With sustainability pressures mounting and UK government Net Zero targets on the horizon, the challenge for plastics manufacturers is clear; how to decarbonise an industry that is often both energy-intensive and largely associated with environmental impact.

Plastics manufacturers are already working hard to reduce their carbon footprint by integrating recycled materials and optimising production processes. But the pathway to Net Zero is a challenging one, and the pressure to meet Net Zero goals – driven by regulatory requirements and customer and supply-chain demands – adds another layer of complexity.

Overcoming greenstalling

The reality is that too many organisations still find themselves stuck and unsure of what they should be doing or how to progress. What’s more, some of the known barriers to progress on Net Zero include scrutiny, fear of decision-making repercussions, accountability, greenwashing and lack of internal support. These hurdles are contributing to what is referred to as “greenstalling” – where despite best intentions, momentum towards decarbonisation slows or stops entirely.

That’s why Equity Energies developed Carbon Admissions – a campaign to serve as a reminder that Net Zero is a complex and ever-changing endeavour. Whilst it’s a playful take on carbon emissions, the campaign focus is rooted in the recognition that reaching Net Zero means something different to each and every organisation, and they in turn need their own bespoke solution which best reflects their unique organisational needs. There is no silver bullet, everyone is at different stages in their Net Zero journey and some organisations will be better equipped to advance progress than others.

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Furthermore, the campaign research reveals several key observations within multi-sector organisations, including how the impact of slow decision-making, overlooked commercial opportunities associated with sustainability progress and responsibility for driving Net Zero among those tasked with doing so is compounding the challenge.

At its core, the campaign is about acknowledging that no-one has all the answers on Net Zero and it encourages organisations to be open about the challenges they face. In the plastics industry, this might mean grappling with Scope 3 emissions, integrating renewable energy sources into energy-intensive processes or understanding the long-term impact of carbon across the supply chain. These are difficult issues, but they are also opportunities for innovation and collaboration. Through these open conversations, Equity Energies is be reminded of the collective nature of the challenge, one in which all progress is progress.

The barriers to Net Zero are real, but they aren’t insurmountable. However, overcoming them requires a shift in mindset—a willingness to admit Equity Energies doesn’t have all the answers. And that’s where Carbon Admissions comes in.

As the full title of the campaign suggests, “We don’t know what we don’t know” – and that’s the message to UK organisations. That no-one should be afraid of admitting what they don’t know.

Why Admitting What You Don’t Know Matters

Rather than focusing solely on what companies should be doing, Carbon Admissions encourages businesses to admit what they don’t know. This isn’t a weakness; it’s recognition that achieving Net Zero is a journey, and that uncertainty can be a powerful catalyst for change.

For plastics manufacturers, admitting gaps in knowledge might seem counterintuitive – particularly for an industry which prides itself on precision and continuous improvement. But the journey to Net Zero isn’t a straight line—it’s a winding road that requires flexibility and the willingness to evolve alongside new technologies and methods. Carbon Admissions encourages the industry to acknowledge the complexity of the task at hand and embrace the uncertainty as a natural part of the process, rather than something to be feared. Equity Energies believes it can stimulate action through its shared experiences.

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Turning admissions into action

Acknowledging the complexity of decarbonisation is just the start. The next step is turning that recognition into action. That’s where Equity Energies’ Pathway to Progress model comes in. Designed to help support companies in their Net Zero strategy conversations, this framework offers a step-by-step approach to advancing decarbonisation.

Furthermore, the Pathway to Progress model emphasises the importance of cross-departmental collaboration. Decarbonising plastics production cannot be the responsibility of just one department. It requires input from R&D, operations, procurement, marketing and more. By bringing all these perspectives together, companies can develop a comprehensive Net Zero strategy that aligns with both their sustainability goals and their bottom line.

The plastics industry is in a unique position. Despite its environmental challenges, plastic remains an essential material. Furthermore, the push towards a circular economy positions the plastics industry as a key player in sustainability efforts.

By starting a conversation—whether it’s within your organisation, across the supply chain, or with industry peers—the plastics industry can take an authoritative position and meaningful steps toward a more sustainable future. Net Zero is a challenge but also an opportunity for transformation.

Ryan O’Neill, Equity Energies Chief Strategy Officer: “Before joining the industry, I wasn’t aware that carbon lingers in the atmosphere for anywhere between 300 to 1,000 years. The emissions we produce today will impact generations to come, underscoring the urgency of our carbon impact right now. The actions we take today matter more than ever.”

Ryan O’Neill, Equity Energies’ Chief Strategy Officer

Ready to dive deeper? Visit Equity Energies campaign page to find out more and download the report to explore the insights and challenges Equity Energies uncovered. Start the conversation and take the next step toward Net Zero.

To find out more about Equity Energies, click here.





Equity Energies
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