Why Central Scanning Never Feel the Heat (or the Cold) with their 3D Printing, Scanning and Inspection
Pinpoint precision accuracy is pivotal to the work of Central Scanning. A fraction of a hair’s width left, or right can majorly impact the end result. As masters of dealing with the minutiae; a large proportion of their time is spent making sure the composition and measurements of the 3D printing or scanning projects they’re delivering, are 100% right.
There’s no room for error, no room for assumptions and no room for standardisation, especially when many of the components they produce, whether tool-sized or a full-sized car, are for precision-leading aerospace and medical sectors.
The devil’s in the detail…
This level of accuracy relies upon having highly trained staff and highly specialised facilities, not to mention an exceptional eye for detail.
Fortunately, they have all three.
Working within such specific parameters is a massive challenge in itself, particularly given the fact most objects expand when they get warm and shrink as they get cooler. And this really matters when trying to measure to less than a hair’s width to the nearest micron (µ).
So much so, that they’ve developed their own state-of-the-art solution to the problem.
Whenever working with mission-critical measurements, for projects spanning industries, including aerospace, energy and automotive, Central Scanning store the parts in a dedicated on-site temperature-controlled facility to cancel out the naturally-occurring thermal expansion (the expanding and contracting mentioned a bit further up).
Here it is, keeping a 3D-printed impeller and a machined metal block at a constant temperature of 20°C, using a combination of air conditioning and insulation:
Keeping components at 20°C means measurements meet international metrology standards. As a result, anything measured at on-site can be replicated elsewhere in the world reliably in the same ambient environment.
Such is the commitment to working within these standards, their ZEISS scanners are calibrated daily to make sure they continue to provide the best and most reliable 3D scanning and inspection services around.
For more details about their industry-leading 3D printing or scanning services or to hire a 3D scanner from us, contact Central Scanning on 01527 558282 or info@central-scanning.co.uk.
Central Scanning
01527 558282