Broadway’s Growth Initiative Gains Momentum

Broadway’s Growth Initiative Gains Momentum

Broadway Colours have seen a surge in larger lot masterbatch, compounding and additive requirements.

Compounding in particular requires significant infrastructure as the volumes are much greater than that of masterbatch. In response to this, Broadway has invested in the latest 40mm twin co-rotating screw extruder from Germany. The capable output of this machine equates to around three times that of one of the six existing 27mm machines, meaning that Broadway can produce larger lot sizes without compromising lead time, and compounding becomes more cost-effective. The installation of the machine increases the overall capacity of the masterbatch facility by around 25%, a more than substantial step forward for the company.

Nick Barber, Commercial Director, said: “We have seen very pleasing volumes for masterbatch and additives over the past 12 months, and it has become apparent that there is just as great if not greater demand for compounding of late. Particularly with the increase in the use of Flame retardants, which can be inherently difficult to colour with masterbatch.”

Nick went on to say: “Broadway, alongside the entire plastics industry, have also seen an increase in demand for the use of recycled, compostable and bio-based materials, so the extra equipment could not have come at a better time. The installation of this new machine also allows for significantly greater efficiency in processing, meaning that we are able to maintain our market leading service.”

With more equipment comes more staff and indeed, Broadway’s overall Staff levels have increased by around 10% over the past 12 months, most of whom are from the local area.

Joe Maynard, Managing Director said: “As a family run business, Broadway Colours have strong community values. I’m proud to say that the company is able to provide employment in ever increasing levels to the local and surrounding areas. At the same time, the company has rigorous initiatives in place to ensure the company has as minimal impact on its immediate area and the environment as a whole.”

Related Post:  Silvergate First to Launch Prime Performance 30% Recycled Masterbatch

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