Best Practice Guide for UK Plastics Recycling Communications
Underpinned by work in Kent with 680,000 households and all 13 Kent Councils; leading plastics resource and recycling charity, RECOUP, has called for the industry to agree the basic principles of plastics recycling advice and support organisations and councils who strive to deliver this message.
Part-funded by the Smart Sustainable Plastic Packaging Challenge at Innovate UK and industry partners Veolia, Plastics Europe, the British Plastics Federation, Ecosurety, Kent Resource Partnership and PPS Recovery Systems. Supported in kind by Ocado, Sainsbury’s and OPRL.
This project took as its start point the national agreement on plastics packaging target material collections and asked the question:
‘If kerbside plastics recycling is based on the same target/non-target’ materials, what other factors influence recycling rates?’
RECOUP managed the project as the project lead. Utilising RECOUP expertise in the collection, sorting, capture, reprocessing, and end markets of plastics the Best Practice Guide for UK Plastics Recycling Communications has been developed. This guide will assist those communicating plastics recycling to individuals and communities.
RECOUP has produced a further report of the overall project which details the communications themselves, costs, data, legislative influences, and plastics recycling end market pressures. This will be released in August 2022.
Download the guides and project findings HERE!
Read more news from RECOUP here.
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