Belgrade Invest in Future with Newly Trained Internal Quality Auditor
Belgrade Polymer Products are pleased to announce that they have added a new certified internal quality systems auditor to the customer services team, Konrad Webster.
Konrad, a Customer Service Coordinator, attended a course recently in Haydock as part of improvements to the customer services function, and part of a career development programme.
The course was designed to incorporate the following: understand the requirements of the current BS EN ISO9001:2015. Audit preparation for compliance and process auditing. Conducting an audit including audit notes. Accurately reporting any non-compliances found and follow up.
Commenting on the course and subsequent certification, Konrad said: “I found the course relevant and enjoyable and I look forward to putting my training to good use in my customer service role”
Patrick said: “Konrad joined our team in 2017 as a Customer Services Coordinator and has adapted well to the demands and the day-to-day challenges within the Sales Office. Konrad is an important part of our future succession plans, and with experience and further training will develop into one of our future managers”
He added: “Our business is totally dedicated to continuous improvement in quality and customer service.”
Established in 1976, Belgrade Polymer Products is one of the UK’s leading thermoforming and injection-moulding companies and holds the quality management system accreditation ISO9001:2015.
Manufacturing bespoke products for customers across a huge number of industries and markets, including household names and big brands, it has specialist expertise in producing prototype items that can be quickly converted into large scale production.
Belgrade Polymer Products
+44 (0)1933 222205