Arburg at the Interplastica 2018: High-performance for the Packaging Industry

Arburg at the Interplastica 2018: High-performance for the Packaging Industry

At the Interplastica 2018, to be held in Moscow (Russia) from 23 to 26 January, Arburg will present a high-speed thin-wall application for the packaging industry in hall 21, stand 21B25: a “Packaging” version of a hybrid Allrounder 570 H will produce four IML tubs in a cycle time of around 1.9 seconds.

“We feel that Russia is once again making good economic progress. There is significant demand for high-quality machines, especially in the medical sector and in the electrical engineering and packaging industries,” says Stephan Doehler, European Sales Director at Arburg. “At the Interplastica 2018, we will use the example of IML tubs to demonstrate high-speed, high-quality mass production of packaging products.”

Four IML tubs in only 1.9 seconds

An Allrounder 570 H in the “Packaging” version with a clamping force of 1,800 kN, specially configured for thin-walled items, will demonstrate the performance capabilities of the Hidrive hybrid machine series at Interplastica 2018. The production cell produces four IML tubs with a wall thickness of only 0.32 millimetres from PP in a cycle time of around 1.9 seconds. Each container weighs 3.55 grams and has a capacity of 150 millilitres. The mould and the automation system for inserting the IML labels and removing and stacking the decorated finished parts are from Brink. The material throughput is more than 26 kilograms per hour. 

High-speed solutions for the packaging industry

Arburg offers its customers a comprehensive package of reliable application technology consulting and production-efficient machine technology for the high-quality mass production of packaging items. The highest priorities for particularly fast, high-quality mass production in the packaging industry are precision and short cycle times. This is exactly what you can expect from the Packaging (P) versions of the efficient, high-speed, electric and hybrid high-performance Alldrive and Hidrive machine series with clamping forces of up to 4,600 kN. These feature optimised combinations of distance between tie bars, clamping force, opening stroke and injection unit, FEM-optimised mounting platens, as well as servo-electric dosing drives with position-regulated barrier screws for high filling dynamics and short injection times. In addition, there are servo-electric toggle-type clamping units with energy recovery for fast braking with low masses.

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