An Introduction to the Plunkett Team

An Introduction to the Plunkett Team

For the first time, the Plunkett Associates team have come out from behind their screens and are under the spotlight…

Tim Plunkett

Plunkett Associates - Tim PlunkettWhat do you do within Plunkett Associates?

I am tempted to say ‘make the tea’ but in reality this seldom gets beyond putting the kettle on before the phone rings!

Otherwise the day revolves around quotations, resolving ‘how to’ type questions and planning what comes next!

How long have you been with the Company and what was your background previously?

In the beginning there was just Stereolithography, and Formation the first, biggest and best bureau in the UK – yes that was me. (now part of ARRK)

Then there was laser sintering (SLS), and 3T RPD, not the first but certainly the biggest and best at what they did ,masses and masses of SLS – yes that was me too.

Then since 2005 its been Plunkett Associates, not the first or the biggest, but probably the the most diverse manufacturing operation – and as the name implies I started that too!

What excites you about Engineering?

Never knowing what we will be asked for next! The diversity and challenges contained in that simple word ‘engineering’ are truly enough to keep you going for life!

Julian Wooster

Plunkett Associates - Julian WoosterWhat do you do within Plunkett Associates?

Officially I am the “Design Solutions Engineer” but even I’m not sure what that means!

As a result, I do everything! CAD, quotations, sales, inspection, packaging, dispatch, delivery, collection, switchboard, heavy lifting and anything other people don’t want to do. Can Do Engineer.

How long have you been with the Company and what was your background previously?

When I started I had hair and could run up the stairs. 2011 rings a bell. I previously worked in what was known as rapid prototyping in the 1990s and then as a design engineer for Nortel Networks and Panasonic’s TV design centre

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What excites you about Engineering?

Technology that protects the environment, improves efficiency and eliminates waste.

Guy Holdaway

Plunkett Associates - Guy HoldawayWhat do you do within Plunkett Associates?

I’ve been working for the past 2 years as a “Project Design Engineer”.  My role within the company is to quote and manage the workflow of projects and to inform clients the best way to manufacture a product based on their criteria.

How long have you been with the Company and what was your background previously?

Originally my background was in the marine industry, designing Lifeboats and Super Yachts, however the last few years I have focused my attention on the world of manufacturing.

What excites you about Engineering?

I find it fascinating just how many different manufacturing methods there are…  and the list keeps growing as technologies and ideas develop.

Didier Loizeau

Plunkett Associates - Didier LoizeauWhat do you do within Plunkett Associates?

My official role is “Solutions Engineer.” I mainly do a hefty load of CAD work along with some sketching for concept generation & development, renderings, drawings… and sometimes I change the bins.

How long have you been with the Company and what was your background previously?

I worked for several companies dealing with vacuum forming, CAD support, product design and vacuum cleaners.

What excites you about Engineering?

I think it is amazing what mankind can achieve and produce through design and manufacture. The fact that manufacturing technologies are continuing to improve and evolve means that there is always lots to be interested in and much to learn.


Cheuk Li

Plunkett Associates - Cheuk LiWhat do you do within Plunkett Associates?

My job involves looking at ways to improve some of our existing internal processes; research to find new ways of adding value to clients requirements; finally being able to apply the technical knowledge accumulated from university; drinking a lot of tea…. and making sure I don’t break anything around the office.

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How long have you been with the Company and what was your background previously?

I’ve just begun my third month as “Research Engineer”, after spending the last 4 years at Warwick University.

What excites you about Engineering?

The pace at which the 3D printing industry is churning out developments, especially in the biomedical sector – UV Inkjet 3D printing for Parkinson’s medicine, replacement heart valves, synthetic bone implants…

Ruth Hepburn

Plunkett Associates - Ruth HepburnWhat do you do within Plunkett Associates?

I am the lone female in the office who tries to keep order, battles to keep the place tidy and reins in testosterone levels when it all gets a bit manly.

Other than that, I am responsible for office admin, marketing, website, newsletter, human resources, recruitment, stock control, tradeshows, deliveries, packing and dispatch and anything in between whenever anybody shouts for help! Oh and of course the most important job of all, keeping the coffee machine stocked and the biscuit tin full!

How long have you been with the Company and what was your background previously?

I have been here for over 3 years now – so much has changed and it’s definitely never been dull! Previously I worked in a Primary School teaching 4 and 5 year olds – are there similarities? I’m not saying a word!

What excites you about Engineering?

Since I started working here, I feel like my eyes have been opened! I am suddenly able to understand what has gone into creating the everyday objects around me. This may seem boring to some, but to me, who really knew nothing about engineering when I first started, I am finding it really quite mindblowing! Goodness, maybe I’m starting to get the bug!

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Plunkett Associates
+44 (0)1452 386608

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