Ampacet PFAS-Free Polymer Processing Aid Masterbatches Answering Existing and Future Restrictions on PFAS

Ampacet PFAS-Free Polymer Processing Aid Masterbatches Answering Existing and Future Restrictions on PFAS

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Ampacet offers an extended portfolio of PFAS-Free Polymer Processing Aids (PPA) that allows to substitute conventional Fluorinated-based PPA masterbatches used in various processes (oriented and non-oriented films, pipe extrusion, cable extrusion…) for the manufacture of multiple end-use applications.

Perfluoroalkyl and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have been found to present potential health hazards and face increased regulations for their use. As more government agencies restrict the use of PFAS, it’s important to consider using a PFAS-free PPA that is globally compliant for food contact.

Like fluoro-based PPAs, they eliminate melt fracture, reduce die build-up for less downtime and offer increased throughput.

Ampacet PFAS-Free PPA additives do not interfere with surface treatments, such as printing and lamination, and have no effect on sealing.

For more information on PFAS-Free portfolio, email

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