Ampacet Make Plastics Detectable with Conventional Metal Detectors
Ampacet has introduced a metal detectable masterbatch for plastic, that aids in the detection of plastic contaminants, resulting in enhanced food safety and minimising food recalls.
Ampacet’s metal detectable plastic masterbatch, 1000818-E, when added to plastic parts, enables detection of plastic contamination using conventional metal detectors already installed on food processing lines. Benefits include the ability to use plastic tools and equipment while minimizing the risk of contamination and eliminating the need to invest in additional detection equipment. Plastics detection using Ampacet’s 1000818-E masterbatch was comparable to metal detection, using a 10% addition rate in 50 µm polyethylene blown films.
Ampacet’s 1000818-E is recommended for a wide range of plastic tools used in the food industry to package raw materials and finished products, such as crates, housings, trays, lids, flexible packaging film, clips and ties, as well as food processing tools, equipment or workers’ protective gear.
Plastic products and tools used in food processing represent a potential risk of food contamination in case of breakage or leakage of small plastic fragments into raw materials or finished products. This food contamination could lead to risks and issues with consumers, retailers and brands, with costly product recalls. While metal contamination is under control in the food industry through the installation of metal detectors, it is not the case with plastic contamination detection.
Ampacet’s metal detectable plastic masterbatch 1000818-E, suitable to achieve various shades when used in combination with color masterbatches, including anthracite black, dark blue, medium blue and grey, is approved for food contact applications in Europe with Specific Migration Limits (SML) and complies with US FDA regulations.
For more information on 1000818-E, email marketing.europe@ampacet.com
+44 (0)1952 581 814