Aylesbury Granulation Services Move to New, Larger Premises
Aylesbury Granulation Services have completed their move to their new, larger premises.
“We were really quite happy where we were, but all over Aylesbury Vale businesses are being moved on so that houses can be built, and we were no exception. After a very long search we were delighted to find our new home just 7 miles out of Aylesbury town centre. The unit is considerably larger than our previous site and so we can continue our expansion plans in earnest” said Andy Stevens, MD.
2018 was a year of growth, in terms of both throughput and customer base for the company and they are constantly looking for new partners to work with and new materials to process. The company take in quality segregated rigid plastics and granulate them for onward use in plastic manufacturing.
“We are a very small business of just two people, but we work very hard at what we do. We make a point of ensuring that our feed-stocks are of great quality and our excellent housekeeping ensures that we only ever produce quality regrinds for our customers.” says Susan Staff, Commercial Manager.
“I am regularly approached by firms and brokers who are looking to find a recycling route for their plastics and wherever possible I will help them achieve this goal. We are always looking for materials such as PE, PP, ABS, PC and PS and 2018 gave us the opportunity to include the shredding and granulating of manufacturing lump and purge to our list of materials that we are happy to work with. Who knows what we will be adding to our repertoire in 2019!”
For further information on what Aylesbury Granulation Services do, then please visit their website at www.agsplasticgranulation.co.uk.
Aylesbury Granulation Services