Additive at Plastics Live
At Plastics Live (incorporating AMPLAS), 5-6 July in Coventry, attendees will be able to see an array of traditional and additive manufacturing (AM) production processes accessible through technology or service suppliers.
Today, there is a very real place for AM to reside in a modern production facility as a complementary technology alongside legacy technologies.
Scott Colman, Event Manager, said: “Broadly speaking, when manufacturers look to produce in plastic, there are a range of alternatives to consider.
“Traditional routes to manufacture typically include injection moulding, CNC machining and/or vacuum casting. Manufacturers that do not bring the 3D printing process into the frame at this point are potentially doing themselves (and their bottom lines) a great disservice.
“If manufacturers do not realistically assess the possibility of using 3D printing as an alternative production technology, they are genuinely missing an opportunity to make parts and components quickly, cost-effectively and accurately.
“What’s more, you don’t have to invest in the capital equipment in-house to make this move, as there are agencies that exist that have invested in numerous 3D printing machines so that you can subcontract your manufacturing to real experts in the technology. In this way, you also eliminate the necessity to learn a whole new set of manufacturing protocols.
“At Plastics Live, we will present the full array of alternatives so that attendees can assess all the alternative processes at play in one place.”
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