Ampacet ProVitalTM+ Gamma-Protect Preserving Medical Plastics

Ampacet ProVitalTM+ Gamma-Protect Preserving Medical Plastics

Ampacet, a global masterbatch leader,  has introduced ProVitalTM+ Gamma-Protect, a medical-grade additive designed to preserve mechanical and optical properties of polypropylene-based medical and pharmaceutical articles during gamma and e-beam sterilisation processes.

The medical industry commonly uses gamma and e-beam sterilisation techniques to eliminate microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and spores from medical devices, in-vitro diagnostic equipment and packaging systems. However, gamma and e-beam sterilisation methods alter the polymers’ optical and mechanical properties, including elongation, tensile and impact strength.

Ampacet ProVitalTM+ Gamma-Protect is an efficient medical-grade additive solution that stabilises polypropylene during gamma or e-beam sterilisation processes, helps preserve mechanical and optical properties, and prevents polymer degradation. Applications include medical devices, in-vitro diagnostic equipment and pharmaceutical packaging systems.

Ampacet ProVitalTM+ Gamma-Protect has also been successfully pre-evaluated for biocompatibility according to ISO 10993 part 5, 10 and 23 (cytotoxicity, sensitisation and irritation) at a letdown ratio of 5%.

Ampacet ProVitalTM+ Gamma-Protect provides complete formulation consistency with a no-change policy for raw materials at CAS and commercial levels, with manufacturing under consistent process parameters and cleanroom production to minimise cross-contamination risks.

For more information on the Ampacet ProVital+ range, email

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