Interplas 2023 – Wittmann UK Celebrates Business Success

Interplas 2023 – Wittmann UK Celebrates Business Success

The Wittmann Group’s biggest yet showing at Interplas 2023 paid off in spades with customers old and new thronging to Wittmann UK’s striking and prominent exhibits and production cells.

There is no doubt that the triennial plastics show at the NEC Birmingham, September 26-28, exceeded all expectations – in terms of exhibitors, customers and organisers.

Wittmann UK was no exception: The company’s leading technologies and its exhibits succeeded in capturing the mood of an industry needing no incentives to expand production, optimise its efficiencies and safeguard its resources.

Joint Wittmann UK MD, Dan Williams says that the event provided many conversations that ranged across these key topics and more. ‘I am delighted to say that Interplas 2023 was a really successful show across all three days – and from start to finish.

Dan notes that ‘Wittmann UK’s stand was in the ideal place for the early visitors and for a good mixture of existing, old and potentially new customers who were very impressed by all the exhibits and by the wide range of Industry 4.0 ancillaries connected to our injection moulding machines.

The Wittmann stand also brought on a good deal of visitor interest in the chess robot, with people pitting their skills against the SONIC143 high speed technology. The stand also attracted many visitors who were keen to try and power their way to move the Wittmann Ergobike, PRIMUS14 robot.

All good fun,’ notes Dan, ‘but coupled with our SmartPower120 LSR machine and EcoPower110 Biobloc, we were able to demonstrate our leading energy efficient credentials to the whole sector.

And these impressive energy credentials could be clearly seen in real time on the IMAGOxt touchscreen on Wittmann’s SmartPower injection moulding machine.

The IMAGOxt technology is a breakthrough Wittmann energy management programme which WIBA UK is now offering to the UK industry for free: ‘It doesn’t matter what kind of injection moulding machine you are running – Wittmann or otherwise’ says Dan. ‘IMAGOxt gives us the power to analyse just where all your energy costs lie – and then choose to take steps on how to improve them.

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IMAGOxt is supplied by Wittmann UK at three levels of complexity. The first – now at no cost from Wittmann UK – determines and documents the energy consumption of injection moulding machines in accordance with Euromap 60.2. The second level package includes energy issues relating to the entire production cell (including ancillary equipment). The premium package then builds on the work established in the first two stages to include the implementation of energy efficient measures.

Tracy Cadman, Joint MD of Wittmann Battenfeld UK
Tracy Cadman, Joint MD of Wittmann Battenfeld UK

Joint Wittmann UK MD, Tracy Cadman says that ‘our energy efficiency expertise helps our customers with a ‘double win’. It drives down production cost, and it also signals to customers and the world that here is a business that is committed to the sustainable agenda and to the circular economy.

Tracy says that Wittmann’s leading credentials in this area helped with ‘many good connections and leads generated at the show. We also achieved some good sales orders on the stand in all areas – moulding machines, automation and other ancillaries. Some of these were unexpected and this factor gave a great boost to all of our team who worked tirelessly – from the build-up on Saturday at 6am, then right the way through to the Friday evening, with the final truck of three being waved off back to Austria.’

Interplas 2023 also saw Wittmann UK’s Dan Williams being enrolled in the Interplas ‘hall of fame’ – 75 years of the show this year producing 75 influencers as voted by hundreds of their peers

Tracy notes that ‘we are delighted for Dan and for Wittmann in the UK – but we’re definitely not going to let it go to his head. Monday morning will see us resetting budgets and striving to make the hard yards in a very competitive economy.

The next exhibition stop for the Wittmann Group will be the prestigious Fakuma exhibition in Southern Germany, Oct 17-21.

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Meantime Wittmann UK can reflect on an Interplas job very well done – and a host of enquiries, orders and new contacts to organise and process.

For more news from WITTMANN Group, click here.

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