Mergon 2022 Sustainability Report

Mergon 2022 Sustainability Report

Mergon has always aimed to be a truly sustainable business. Of course, that means offering decent work and quality training so that they continue to retain and attract the best people. It also means working closely with their customers so they can meet their sustainability goals.

But it means more than just that. It means Mergon believes in being accountable for its actions and their impact, not just on its business but on our planet and Mergon’s employees.

That’s why they have accelerated their sustainability commitment by adopting the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, committing their business to sustainable practice in four key areas:

  • Climate Action
  • Responsible Consumption and Production
  • Decent Work
  • Quality Education

We have already recorded some notable successes, including:

  • 1990 – Introduced returnable packaging
  • 1997 – First technical blow moulder in the world to achieve ISO 14001
  • 2013 – Development of Mergon recycled HDPE – Innova Polymer
  • 2018 – 100% renewable energy powered in Ireland
  • 2019 – Waste-to-Energy programme launched
  • 2019 – Operation Clean Sweep
  • 2021 – Carbon Neutral Buildings Certification in Ireland

But Mergon want to do more. They pledge to be Carbon Neutral by 2030 and have launched a range of initiatives to ensure they hit their sustainability targets over the coming years.

The past seven years have been the Earth’s hottest on record, and there’s no sign of this slowing down. A recent UN Environment Report analysed the gap between the CO2 cuts pledged by countries and stated that progress has been ‘woefully inadequate’ to limit a rise in global temperature to 1.5°C.

We have a moral obligation to future generations to leave behind a better planet. Mergon is committed to playing its part in achieving a sustainable future and avoiding climate crisis. But commitments are pointless unless they get traction on the ground.

Since their first Sustainability Report one year ago, Mergon has improved energy efficiency across the Group. They now exclusively use renewable energy at their facilities in Ireland and the Czech Republic, with plans to expand this programme to other sites. They are about to start the production of renewable energy in Ireland with solar panels, and they are bringing sustainable sourcing and sustainable design to all their activities.

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In addition to the recycling of plastics, Mergon is also expanding the use of inorganic additives as a substitute for virgin resin to achieve even lower part weights.

To download the full 2022 Sustainability report, click here.

Read more news from Mergon here.




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