Intouch – Remote and Fully-Operational

Intouch – Remote and Fully-Operational

Despite the Intouch team taking the decision to work remotely, customers can still expect the same high level of service and support, with all Intouch modules able to be accessed, controlled and managed remotely, in real-time.

Following Government advice regarding COVID-19 precautions, the Intouch Monitoring team are working remotely for the moment. The team remains committed to providing the same high level of service whilst ensuring the safety and well-being of our staff and customers and keeping disruption to a minimum.

For any customers needing to remotely control and manage their manufacturing operations or processes, all the Intouch modules can be made available to view and control on any device (on-site and remotely) with different user-defined permission levels.

All the production data is accessible and viewable in real-time, the ‘drag and drop’ Gantt scheduling charts can be viewed and controlled remotely, and the MESi (Manufacturing Execution System Intelligence) reports are fully configurable and accessible from any device.

Several exhibitions and events that we had planned have been postponed but we are available to discuss your requirements and the Intouch system can be easily demonstrated online.

The Intouch i4 Cloud solution is a very cost-effective monthly subscription system that can be accessed immediately via the internet and has an instant ROI, is easily scale-able according to requirements with support, updates and backups managed by us (remotely) and making the system just about ‘plug and play’.

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Intouch Monitoring
+44 (0) 1604 537100

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