Is Zero Rejects an Impossible Dream?
Zero rejects, the “Holy Grail” of the injection moulding industry, has always been looked upon as an impossible dream. Or, at least, it was until now, courtesy of the ComoNeo with MultiFlow, from Kistler.
Waldon Ltd, an injection moulder located in the Welsh valleys, began working towards achieving zero rejects when it installed its first Kistler Como Injection cavity pressure monitoring system in 2009 which reduced an internal reject rate of 5% to less than 1%. Since then the company has taken advantage of every Como upgrade as they became available.
The latest addition is ComoNeo with MultiFlow, the next link in the automatic control of the whole moulding process; fully automatic hot runner balancing in real-time.
Hot-runner balancing with MultiFlow completely eliminates the need for time-consuming manual optimisation and adjustment of the hot-runner temperatures during set-up and production. The system compensates in real-time for variations in the operating environment, such as temperature fluctuations caused by external doors being opened or changes in the external air temperature and humidity, which can increase reject rate, especially at the tight tolerances adopted by Waldon.
The operational benefits of achieving “genuine zero rejects” are considerable. From a business point of view, foremost is the ability to accurately quote for new business by eliminating the need to include a contingency allowance to cover the cost of rejects. This delivers confidence that the costing is both accurate and achievable, resulting in highly competitive pricing even for the most complex mouldings. Add to this a return on investment of around six months it’s no surprise that Waldon is now equipping all new moulds to take advantage of the ComoNeo automatic control of the moulding process.
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