‘OneCan’ Success Spurs Further Blow Moulding Investment at OnePlastics

‘OneCan’ Success Spurs Further Blow Moulding Investment at OnePlastics

Due to a large surge in demand for the ‘OneCan’ range of plastic jerrycans, OnePlastics have continued to make large scale investment in state-of-the-art blow moulding equipment.

The latest machine installed at the Straight division in Hull is a BBM hybrid machine with down-stream automation. The continuous extrusion ‘double station’ design provides higher output levels in combination with reduced energy consumption.

This is one of four blow moulding cells now in production. Other products manufactured include water butts, composters, drainage gullies and the ‘dollies’ used with returnable packaging.

This installation dealt with the immediate production demands and growing sales of the OneCan. Capacity will be further increased when an additional machine and tooling are delivered in Autumn 2018.

Double station machine
20 litre and 25 litre Jerry Cans are produced on a double station machine

Stuart Butler, General Manager of the Hull manufacturing site, commented:

“We are delighted with the success of the OneCan product range, having gone from initial concept to full capacity in under 18 months.”

The BBM machines have electrically actuated mould clamping and carriage movement, providing up to 50% energy saving compared to hydraulic machines. This reflects the groups ongoing policy of minimising their carbon footprint.

The success of projects such as the OneCan can be attributed to the resources allocated and applied during the product design and development phases. This allows key attributes to be identified and incorporated into products.  In the case of the OneCan product range, key features include:

  • Choice of 20 and 25 litre cans in a range of colours
  • Stacking design with interlocking lugs on top and bottom
  • Ergonomically designed handle
  • Wide Pour neck for easy fill / empty
  • Cap options include vented and tamper-proof
  • Large flat surface for labelling
  • Can be embossed with a corporate logo
  • HDPE construction – strong and recyclable, plus semi-transparent so fill level can be seen.  Can be used for hazardous liquids
  • Certified to UN standard


OnePlastics are prepared to allocate their experience and resources to new contract manufacturing projects for external customers, allowing them to benefit from their design expertise and cutting-edge injection moulding and blow moulding facilities.

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