8 Ways to Increase Revenue from Plastic Scrap
Plastic recycling specialist Vanden Recycling has gone from strength to strength in recent years, determined to spread the message that plastic scrap is a valuable commodity, not a waste material. This led the Vanden team to produce a new guide titled ‘8 Ways to Increase Revenue from Plastic Scrap.’
Vanden Recycling is a business that has gone from strength to strength in the plastic recycling industry – setting high standards across its multiple global locations, demonstrating an incredibly technical and engaged team and launching its own products division, led by Global Technical Director Beril Yeşilırmak and Senior Advisor, Paul Turner.
Vanden has built a thriving worldwide business, but there is still an opportunity for the true value of plastic scrap material to be realised, says CEO Damien van Leuven, which has led the team at Vanden to create the ‘8 Ways to Increase Revenue from Plastic Scrap’ guide.
Covering core areas of the recovery and recycling process, the guide offers actionable guidance on material segregation and cleanliness, quality assurance and control, generating the required weights of material and staff training.
“The correct handling of scrap plastic can aid firms in recouping raw-material costs. This is an area in which I am proud to say that Vanden continues to excel.
“Plastic scrap is a valuable commodity, but I’m still forced to question if this statement is being taken on board by everyone who generates it.
“In order to obtain the highest offers for material, it’s not a case of seeking out reputable plastic recyclers that will be transparent over rebates on offer – firms must also implement the processes that focus on quality and engage their staff that keep volume and quality consistent to secure ongoing ROI.”
You can download your copy of Vanden’s new guide here: https://info.vandenrecycling.com/get-the-best-value-from-your-plastic-scrap
Vanden Recycling
+44 (0) 2892668009